2022 Arnold Amateur
Women's Physique Championships
(Columbus, Ohio - March 5, 2022)
One of the most prestigious IFBB Pro Qualifiers in the world is the Arnold Amateur.
As part of the Arnold Sports Festival, it attracts visitors from all over the world.
Open Women's Physique was held at the start of Day 2, but with the Finals not being
held till a couple hours later and this reporter needing to cover the Pro prejudging
events...so no 'trophy' pics but we did take upwards of 650 at prejudging. Class 'A'
and Overall were taken by Joseli Schoenherr, shapely muscle on a beutifully striated
physique, followed by good size on both Taylor Smuck and always improving Marilyn Yee,
just a matter of dialing in that look.
Class 'B' had a mix of looks, the 'bigger' Dana Pierce and the more 'lithe' look of Hanna Skytta. Both
very aesthetic physiques. Rounding out the division was 'C' Class, Brooke Pighin took 1st with
Monika Podgorski placing 2nd. Nice physiques throughout.
More will be added to this page as time permits. A huge thanks to the Promoters for having us be able to shoot the Arnold's.
You can also find content on our IG social media @david_twixpix.
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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Trophy Time
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