2020 IFBB Arnold Classic Bodybuilding
(Columbus, Ohio - March 7, 2020)
Arguably on a par with the Ms. Olympia, this invitational only IFBB Pro Event featured the very best in the Bodybuilding Division. As
part of the Arnold Sports Festival, it attracts visitors from all over the world. In a last minute move to err on the side of
caution regarding health threats and public safety (ie. coronavirus), it was decided to limit the general public audience to just the Finals.
The trade show/expo had been cancelled as well. So that's how this reporter's first Arnold Classic experience played out. Back to the
competition, it did NOT disappoint! Dutch competitor William Bonac wowed the judges and the crowd, a unanimous 1st place. Was close between
Dexter Jackson and Mamdouh Elssbiay for 2nd and 3rd places respectively. Lots of fun with Arnold Schwarzenegger, taking selfies from in front
of the stage, etc. Even had his son documenting things as well! A great time was had by all.
In an effort to support the sponsors and exhibitors of the 2020 Arnold Sports Festival and canceled Arnold Fitness EXPO, the Arnold Virtual EXPO was created so you can still connect and have access to all the amazing products, services and offers you would have seen at the Arnold Sports Festival!
More will be added to this page as time permits. A huge thanks to Muscle Insider for having us shoot the Arnold Amateur for them...our
main role here. Their detailed coverage of the Pro show, in particular of individual presentation round photos are available at
muscleinsider.com Thanks of course to the organizers, and in particular Media
Relations director Matt Lorz for all their hospitality and hard work in making this event a success! No reproduction or reposting of photos
allowed without expressed permission. Thanks.
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
(click for full size where available)
Trophy Time
Top Callout - Finals
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