2016 BCABBA BC Cup
Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini Championships
(New Westminster, B.C. - June 4, 2016)
The inaugural Provincial level Traditional Stream (Tested) show saw close to 70 athletes compete in a quality field.
Kudos to Promoters Dean and Leigh Brandt (Xtreme Promotions) for taking on this challenge as there were only a few
recent shows where athletes could qualify. Bikini saw some tough competition especially in the Overalls where 4 deserving
class winners battled it out. Taylor Musseau's combination of proportionality and leanness won the day.
Overall Men's Physique winner Kade Vilio exemplified the look for this division, a great future in the sport. In Figure,
veteran competitor Denean Arntson showed why she's done well in the past, taking on the Traditional Stream now, and
is a real threat at Nationals. In Women's Physique, only 2 competitors. Overall Champion Heidi Gawehns took B Class
while Best Poser award winner Susan Coderre won in A Class. They both competed in Masters.
I'll have more as time permits, complete results are/will be posted
at the BCABBA website. Reproduction or reposting of photos on
or linked from this page is not allowed without permission. You may LINK to here or to a particular picture page from
social media. Was honored to be official BCABBA stage photographer at this event, you can order photos by contacting me
at david@twixpix.com.
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
(click for full size)
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