2022 NPC Battle For The Eagle
Bikini Championships
(Canyonville, OR - October 8, 2022)
Formerly the 'Seven Feathers Classic' aptly named for the magnificent host venue casino/resort, this is our first visit to this event since 2010! Its
distance from our home base of Vancouver, BC for a weekend trip was difficult to fit into our then work schedule, but worked out nicely this time
as part of a multi-show roadtrip. Promoters Ron and Susan Smith and their whole crew do a fantastic job to maximize the experience for competitors and spectators,
no less than 4 guest posers at Finals. We'll be doing separate reports for other categories...Bikini gets the ball roll rolling this time.
A mix of new and experienced competitors stood out for us, starting with Rachel Cole winning True Novice, her Masters/Open classes as well as BOTH Overalls, nice muscle
shape and proportionality. A solid physique...a theme with another top standout Lauren Mengedoht (below), did NOT at first recognize her from when we photographed her onstage
at the 2021 NPC Vanouver Open, 10 lbs of added muscle is what I think I remembered her saying. Both her and Rachel also participated in Wellness at this show, more on
that in a future report. Lots of stage time for sure! We also did a quick mini-shoot outdoors with both of them between prejudging and finals, hopefully more in the
Tiffany Bactista (Novice/Masters/Open) was one who placed well throughout, good development. And while the older competitors ruled the day (kudos also to open class
winner Angelina Christiano's comeback), there's always that 'find' who has all the ingredients to do well in the sport and is passionately motivated to improve. Stage
presence and a tight look to build upon, look out for Shayonna Tripp (below) down the road.
A huge thanks again to Promoters Ron and Susan Smith, volunteers and the dedicated competitors who keep this sport growing.
The Pacific Northwest is a special place when it comes to the NPC community with everybody pitching in
to make each others' shows as successful as possible. It's a continued privilege to be able to
cover and publicize these shows for decades now. We'll have more on the show here in general as time permits.
You can also find more content on Instagram @david_twixpix. Thanks for NOT cropping watermarks if reposting photos
on social media. Official results and further information
can be found at RK Smith Productions..
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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Trophy Time
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