2021 NPC Cascadian Classic
Men's Bodybuilding, Classic & Physique Championships
(Bend, Oregon - June 26, 2021)
First time for us covering this event which is typically held on Memorial Day Weekend, but with reschedulings (hopefully that's a thing of the past) these past couple seasons,
it worked out to be right in between some other notable shows in the region. Promoter Dominic Current pulled out all the stops with a dynamite stage at a beautiful location!
He's co-promoting the upcoming (at the time of this writing) Oregon Open Championships with RK Productions, a veteran team for what promises to be a memorable event as well.
Starting with Session 1 featuring the Men's Divisions.
Bodybuilding saw a future pro on full display. Anthony Deherrera had muscle shapes and proportionality to take him far in the sport! Light Heavyweights also featured John Person
and Vince Shroder, Vince winning Masters Overall. John is having a good competitive season so far, a win at the Tanji Johnson Classic a week earlier. In Classic Physique, Kris
Shumway and Joe Laroche took the respective Open and Masters Overall titles. Last but not least, Men's Physique saw Victor Fong take both!
Thanks again to promoter Dominic Current and his crew for all their hospitality making this
show such a breeze to cover!
I'll have more on the show here as time permits as well as on our IG @david_twixpix. Official results and further information
can be found at CascadianClassic.com.
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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