Open Bikini 'F' Class - Olya Pickering
To stand out in a show with as many quality competitors as Emerald Cup is no small feat! When it comes to a deserving candidate for a potential photoshoot/marketability award, Olya made her presence felt as soon as she walked out onstage at prejudging. Having done well at previous regional shows such as the 2017 Emerald Cup, expectations were unquestionably high and she brought a great package to the stage. Kudos to her coach Dakota Ushigome as well! Very much on track towards the 'Pro' look with a lean/defined physique and plenty of full muscle shape. Combined with a fitness model photogenic look and you have a recipe for success in this industry. Olya's next show is the 2018 IFBB PRO LEAGUE/NPC Northern California on June 2nd. In her own words
"I started lifting weights when I moved to USA from Russia. The gym was the place that helped me to make friends and adapt to the change easier. Bodybuilding made me not just physically stronger, but mentally stronger as well. No matter how I feel, I feel 100% better after I workout. Competing gives me a short term goal to look forward to and gives me a purpose. I ask myself sometimes why I keep competing. Bodybuilding doesn’t require special talent but it requires special commitment and dedication, especially if you are not genetically gifted. I’ve learned throughout my life if you want to reach your goals you have to make it your priority. I know I can do it and nobody can take away the rewards I get from it."
Follow her on Instagram @olyapickering Thank you to Gold's Gym Northwest for the photoshoot location.

Open Bikini Class 'F' - Top 3 first callout...
l to r (initial series): Abby Gonzales - 1st, Olya Pickering - 2nd and Patricia Beckwith - 3rd.


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