2021 NPC Emerald Cup
Women's Bodybuilding, Physique and Wellness Championships
(Bellevue, WA - April 23 - 24, 2021)
As this tumultuous year plus of sometimes uncertainty continues, a definite sense of 'normalcy' returned to the Pacific Northwest with a familiar stage, even
with reduced audience size and vendor expo, a hallmark of past shows, an annual rekindling of friendships still happens...like clockwork! The Craigs have done a masterful
job guiding this ship for the last 40 years, as a transition to new ownership under the VERY capable hands of Ribic Productions is taking place. While participation
was understandably lower this year, the quality of competition DID NOT disappoint! We've combined some of the disciplines into this report. Wellness saw a repeat
performance from Natasha Marquez who took this category at the NPC Vancouver Open, but a strong showing from @PAC.FIT athletes such as Sarena Sloot, Maira Contreras,
Anahit Trejo and Lyndsey Bordynoski made for some spirited competition! Well conditioned Lyndsey also excelled in Figure and WPD. We followed up with her with a
shoot at their training facility in Kennewick, WA. a week later.
And speaking of making waves in the sport...a double threat in WPD and Figure (and possibly Wellness down the road) was @PAC.FIT athlete Karrisa Otero-Hardgrove.
A very well chiseled physique waiting in the wings to join the Pro ranks in very short order! We also did some followup content a week later, all part of
bringing the viewers the highlights of this great event. Some is on social media as explained below. See the gallery linked from this page for highlights from
her posing routine.
A huge thanks to Promoters Ribic & Craig Productions, volunteers and the dedicated competitors who keep this sport growing.
The Pacific Northwest is a special place when it comes to the NPC community with everybody pitching in
to make each others' shows as successful as possible. It's a continued privilege to be able to
cover and publicize these shows for decades now. We'll have more on the show here in general as time permits.
You can also find more content on Instagram @david_twixpix. Thanks for NOT cropping watermarks if reposting photos
on social media. Official results and further information
can be found at Craig/Ribic Production events..
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
(click for full size)
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