2021 NPC Empire Classic
Figure Championships - Alexandra Edwards
(Spokane, WA - May 8, 2021)

Alexandra Edwards - Figure Overall Champion
Our coverage of competitions extends beyond the stage, whether here or on social media, and Empire Classic was no different. Alex definitely made her presence known at Emerald Cup with an Open Class Figure win and a timely follow-up show was ideal to tweak things accordingly. As fate would have it, we ended up going through the Yakima area before getting to Spokane so a chance (before the stage tan, lol) to snap a few photos at Fully Charged Fitness in Selah, WA. We've included a few photos from Emerald Cup on this page as well.
Alexandra Edwards - Figure Overall Champion
She started in powerlifting as a 72kg power lifter in the USAPL Federation, ending her career in 2018 with a total just over 900 lbs and still in the top 10 for female 72kg lifters in the State of Washington. Alex left USAPL due to some moral conflictions she had with decisions they made, but was still on fire for competing and strength sports in general. She and her husband opened a gym in late 2018 and thought that a bodybuilding competition could help launch our reputation, so we hired a coach and got to work. She placed first at her first show in 2019, Cascadian Classic in Bend, Oregon (this year taking place on June 26), and the thrill stuck, so they've BOTH kept at it and now that she seems to really be getting the hang of prepping and continuing to do well at shows, the next step is to get on a national level stage and start making a run there to see how it goes! Her coach is Justin Miller from Arizona.

Alexandra Edwards - Open Figure Overall Champion


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