2007 Femsport
Fitness & Strength Competition
(February 24, 2007)
Starting out the year with a fun competition, Part 1 of this year's Femsport
featured fitness and strength events only and took place at
Level 10 Fitness in North Vancouver.
Some favorites from the past included previous winners Emma Callaghan and Roseanne Desmarais.
Shawn Tan used her overwhelming strength to good advantage in the Tug 'O War but the real decider
at this competition was between Roseanne and 'rookie' Valerie Tosoff. What worked
out great was being pitted head to head in a number of events, motivating each
other to excel. In a perfect example of form following function, Valerie not only
is a well conditioned athlete but looked the part as well - I did notice that
early on :) My thanks to JP, Nancy and the whole crew for putting on an outstanding
event. More coverage and official results will be found at
Below is the competitors list with some results.
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
01. Carole Paterson
02. Larisa Shevchuk
03. Shawn Tan
04. Elya McCleave - 5th Place
05. Cathy Smith
06. Christina Bombelli
07. Michelle Russell
08. Heather Schram - 7th Place
09. Barb Morrison - 6th Place
10. Emma Callaghan - 3rd Place
11. Jennifer Logan
12. Lisa Carpenter
13. Roseanne Desmarais - 2nd Place
14. Valerie Tosoff - 1st Place
15. Wendy Lindquist - 4th Place
(click thumbnail to enlarge)