2017 BCABBA Kelowna Classic
Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini Championships
(Kelowna, B.C. - May. 6, 2017)
The second year for this show to be named the 'Kelowna Classic', firmly entrenched as the premiere traditional (stream) entry show for the BCABBA. Way over 200
competitors! Starting with Bikini, 6 good open classes...a bit of crossover from Figure as a number of competitors either did the other in the past, or both at
this show! Good examples were Tiffany Breck and Laura Gramada, while Laura Hamilton exemplified the former. Nice balanced look of 'B' class winner Meghan Dewar
won the day.
Ali Yekta was a busy man at this show, winning both Men's Physique and Classic Bodybuilding Overall Titles. In Men's Open Bodybuilding, Junior Champ Matt Law
dominated, another dual win on this day. In Women's Physique, 3 quality competitors took the stage between Open/Masters. Of note was the return of Maria
Maywood to BCABBA competitions, she garnered the best poser award. Great conditioning in the Figure classes, Tiffany (overall winner) and Laura (Masters Overall
and Class 'D' winner) had stellar days. Also of note in Figure was Nissi Wellman with a beautifully tapered look, it was very close for the Overall Open Crown.
I'll have more as time permits, complete results are/will be posted
at the BCABBA website. Reproduction or reposting of photos on
or linked from this page is not allowed without permission. You may LINK to here or to a particular picture page from
social media. Was honored to be official BCABBA stage photographer at this event, you can order photos by contacting me
at david@twixpix.com.
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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