2019 NPC Northern Classic
Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini Championships
(Federal Way, WA - Sept. 28, 2019)
Quoting from last year's coverage, "getting the Northwest Fall competition season off to a great start was Elite Productions NPC Northern Classic. A new, state of the art venue for the region, conveniently
located within the SeaTac corridor." Starting with Bikini, three strong Open Classes. 'A' Class winner Sonia Spil had a great day taking the Overall title and Novice/Ttue Novice classes. It was very much a
show for new competitors to the NPC, the exception being 'B' Class winner Talla Amini, fine tuning her look from year to year. 'C' Class went to Adrienne Hunter, also a Novice/True Novice winner. The Overall
Comparison Round is pictured on this page. Of note NOT doing a novice category were Marie Wert in 'C' (2nd place) and Masters/Open competitor Melissa Monsef, both looked tight onstage (that's a good thing).
Another notable in her very first show (and likely not her last) was vivacious Jordan Wilkerson. Follow her journey to the stage on Instagram at @thefitmet.
A small Figure contingent, but an impressive champ in Lisa Leonard. Good muscle size and shape throughout.
Ryan Frater took the Classic Physique overall title and also a new award...the Grand Overall Champion chosen from among the varions division winners at the end
of the show. It goes to the athlete that best represents their division, the prize being entry paid for to a National Level event through 2020. Ryan looks to
be where he can legit compete at that level in the near future, a very good choice!
Thanks as always to the promoters and staff for making the show such a joy to cover. Official results and further information
can be found at northernclassic.net.
More will be added to this page as time permits. You can also find our soial media coverage on IG at @david_twixpix and at the FB link below.
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
(click for full size)
Trophy Time
Open Bikini Overall Award Comparison Round
Open Figure Overall Award Comparison Round
Open Men's Physique Overall Award Comparison Round
Open Classic Physique Overall Award Comparison Round
Open Men's Bodybuilding Overall Award Comparison Round
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