2023 IFBB Sasquatch Pro Show
Bikini Open, Masters 40+, 45+ & 50+
(Federal Way, WA - September 09, 2023)

Open Bikini - Tamekia Carter
The second year for this emerging event, its popularity a reflection of the promoters hard work in taking care of every detail and glowing reports from last year's competitors. Michele Mayberry and Chris Algeo hit it out of the ball park this time, over 40 in Bikini Pro! The show was very well paced, even with the addition of Men's Pro Physique along with Bikini and Figure.
Open Bikini - Tamekia Carter

Open Bikini - Malu Duarte

Masters 40+ Bikini - Jill Humphrey
We will be adding to this report as time permits to further tell the story of this memorable show. Visit NPC Northern Classic and Sasquatch Pro for additional information.
Masters 45+ Bikini - Michelle Hurst Masters 50+ Bikini - Geri Lara-Berger></a></td>


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