2024 NPC Northwest Champonships
Bikini Division
(Auburn, WA - November 3, 2024)
Part two of this event (the Open show) was held a day later, with intense competition throughout...most notably in a strong Bikini Division.
Open Class 'A' and Overall was won by the multi talented Katrina Moreno, a standout in both Wellness (won her Open Class) and Figure (Overall).
Nice lines and symmetry with muscle shapes to match. Not sure in which direction she's headed, can't wait to see what she brings to the sport
next year! Nicely conditioned Miranda Pelky was runner up in 'A', excelled in a number of classes as she did the day before.
The other Open Class winners included Tiana Newton in 'C', always great to see her onstage (and at photoshoots) and Ashlea Stroh in 'B', a tight
look taking that class. Of note in 'C' was Amanda Jacobson from Oregon and rising star in the sport Mackenzie Donovan who also competed in Wellness.
There were a number of additional competitors who stood out in their presentation, including Eva Marquis and Abby Vega.
A huge thanks to Promoters Ribic & of course Craig Productions, volunteers and the dedicated competitors who keep this sport growing.
The Pacific Northwest is a special place when it comes to the NPC community with everybody pitching in
to make each others' shows as successful as possible. It's a continued privilege to be able to
cover and publicize these shows for decades now. We'll have more on the show here in general as time permits.
You can also find more content on Instagram @david_twixpix. Thanks for NOT cropping watermarks if reposting photos
on social media. Official results and further information
can be found at Craig/Ribic Production events..
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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