2023 NPC Northwest Champonships Natural
Bikini Championships
(Auburn, WA - November 4, 2023)
The second year having a Natural/Open set of Northwest Championship shows, a great finale to the local competitive season. The Natural show was first, and
Bikini was NOT disappointing...a very competitive event! Just a few weeks after her Idaho Cup win, Elizabeth Tellez brought a tight physique, nice muscle
shape and presentation, we'll no doubt hear more from her soon! She's part of Team Next Level, as was Tiana Newton (below)
We first noticed Tiana in the Fall of 2022 at the Spokane Night of Champions show competing in Wellness. She's a stellar Bikini athlete as well!
Also of note, photogenic Shay Kuykendall (below), runner up in Open 'D' to Tiana and winning her Novice Class.
A huge thanks to Promoters Ribic & of course Craig Productions, volunteers and the dedicated competitors who keep this sport growing.
The Pacific Northwest is a special place when it comes to the NPC community with everybody pitching in
to make each others' shows as successful as possible. It's a continued privilege to be able to
cover and publicize these shows for decades now. We'll have more on the show here in general as time permits.
You can also find more content on Instagram @david_twixpix. Thanks for NOT cropping watermarks if reposting photos
on social media. Official results and further information
can be found at Craig/Ribic Production events..
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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