2022 Amateur Olympia
Men's Bodybuilding Championships
(Las Vegas, Nevada - December 14, 2022)

Vincenzo Masone - 1st Place Overall
With the Olympia back in Vegas, the excitement level couldn't be higher. The forerunner of all the categories is Bodybuilding and the universal appeal of it was evident with competitors from all around the globe taking part. Good large classes for the most part (the exception being one athlete in Bantamweight) and the judges did a masterful job of making sure the most deserving were rewarded! Case in point was Light Heavyweights, where Seth Goss started out at the far end of first callouts, but once posing, was methodically moved to center.
Vincenzo Masone - 1st Place Overall
Super Heavyweight giant Vincenzo Masone took the Overall title with additional Pro Cards awarded to Seth Goss and Miguel Malimo.
Pro Card Winners
We'll have more as time permits. A huge thanks to the promoters for facilitating our coverage! Please visit the Olympia Website for more information.

(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)

(click for full size)

Trophy Time
BB - Bantamweight BB - Lightweight
BB - Middleweight BB - Light Heavyweight
BB - Heavyweight BB - Super Heavyweight
BB - Masters 35+
BB - Lightweight BB - Middleweight
BB - Light Heavyweight BB - Heavyweight
BB - Super Heavyweight BB - Masters 35+

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