2022 IFBB PRO - Joe Weider's Olympia - Bikini
(Las Vegas, Nevada - December 17, 2022)
THE most prestigious event in the sport WORLDWIDE, the Olympia has no equal! We were fortunate enough this year to be able to attend and cover
parts, including the Prejudging at the fabulous new venue for this event, the Venetian Expo and Convention Center. The largest Bikini field EVER
at the Olympia and possibly any other Pro show, the competition was intense and the quality through the roof. Right off the bat, Maureen Blanquisco
caught our attention during the preliminary numerical lineups at prejudging...capturing the full 360 degree turn sequence of that (posted on our
Instagram page). Everything was proportionately perfect, a great bikini look! Not to take away from defending champion Jennifer Dorie who had packed
on shapely muscle and was definitely attention getting! Add to the mix, the consistently conditioned Ashley Kaltwasser and stunning Daraja Hill to
that top 4, and that was just the beginning. 5th was Lauralie Chapados leading an all star group to round out the top 10. Of note was first time Olympian
Aimee Leann Delgado placing 6th, we first met her at USA's in 2020 where she took the overall title to earn her Pro Card! Plus look out in the future for
Argentinian Romina Basualdo, beautiful lines/muscle shapes.
More will be added to this page as time permits, both here and via social media Instagram at @david_twixpix. Thanks to the organizers for all their hospitality and hard work in making this event a success!
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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Trophy Time (above)
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