2022 IFBB PRO - Joe Weider's Olympia - Fitness
(Las Vegas, Nevada - December 16, 2022)
THE most prestigious event in the sport WORLDWIDE, the Olympia has no equal! We were fortunate enough this year to be able to attend and cover
portions, including the Prejudging at the fabulous new venue for this event, the Venetian Expo and Convention Center. Finals were restricted due
to capacity, so please visit our colleagues at NPCNewsOnline, Muscle Insider, etc. for additional coverage. Despite that, what was super clear from
prejudging was the outstanding level of conditioning witnessed by most all competitors. Of course, defending champ Missy Truscott left no stone
unturned in bringing forth perfection, super happy for our friend we've been watching grow into the best of the best since 2012! Such a solid look
for runner-up Jaclyn Baker, we first noticed her at this year's Arnold Classic. Following the incredible duo, Ariel Khadr, Sarah Kovach (her routine
score put her back in contention), Michelle Fredua-Mensah and Tamara Vahn rounded out the top 6. In terms of head turners, one could not help but
notice Slovakia's Michaela Pavleova placing 7th, absolutely stunning! Minna Pajulahti placed 8th and with amazing proportionality as always, Allison
Kramer placed 9th.
More will be added to this page as time permits, both here and via social media Instagram at @david_twixpix. Thanks to the organizers for all their hospitality and hard work in making this event a success!
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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