2024 IFBB PRO - Joe Weider's Olympia - Bikini
(Las Vegas, Nevada - October 12, 2024)
THE most prestigious event in the sport WORLDWIDE, the Olympia has no equal! We were fortunate enough this year to be able to attend and cover
parts, including the Prejudging at the Las Vegas Convention Center. A huge Bikini field of 52, the judges had their work cut out
for them! Conditioning on point up and down the lineup, it all would come down to minute details and who put EVERYTHING together just
perfectly. It was definitely Lauralie Chapados' time to shine, with a fullness and conditioning worthy of her first Olympia win, representing
Canada...the torch being passed from last year's winner Jennifer Dorie who skipped this year leaving no clear favorite. Following her in
2nd was the incredible Ashley Kaltwasser, was privileged to have seen her earlier in the year winning the Vancouver Pro Show. Making a
strong push was stunning beauty Jasmine Gonzalez, knew right off the bat when she stepped on stage to be something special. And rounding
out the Top 4, perfection in Aimee Leann Delgado, consistently placing in top spots at various competitions.
More will be added to this page as time permits, both here and via social media Instagram at @david_twixpix. Thanks to the organizers for all their hospitality and hard work in making this event a success!
You can find more information about the Olympia at mrolympia.com
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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