2024 IFBB PRO - Joe Weider's Olympia - Women's Physique Division
(Las Vegas, Nevada - October 11, 2024)
THE most prestigious event in the sport WORLDWIDE, the Olympia has no equal! We were fortunate enough this year to be able to attend and cover
parts, including the Prejudging at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Both Sarah and Natalia looked phenomenal and neither of them has hinted
at retiring so we are privileged to see this battle go on. Strong 3rd and 4th placers in Sheronica and Barbara, one point separating them!
More will be added to this page as time permits, both here and via social media Instagram at @david_twixpix. Thanks to the organizers for all their hospitality and hard work in making this event a success!
You can find more information about the Olympia at mrolympia.com
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
(click for full size where available)