2021 NPC Oregon Open
Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini State Championships
(Salem, Oregon - July 3, 2021)
A partnership between 2 outstanding promotion teams, RK Smith Productions and Dominic Current put this great event together. A historic theater in the heart of Salem,
Oregon...great venue and a quality group of competitors. Session 2, featuring the Women's Divisions is on this page. Starting with Bikini, a strong showing in consecutive
weekends as Jasmine Green further tweaked her physique to excel at both Open and Masters Divisions, well deserved Overall titles! Following up from the Cascadian Classic,
photogenic Courteney Landis also refined her look...we had advance warning this time and did a quick outdoor photoshoot on the Friday afternoon. Nice lines, definition
and well on her way to do well in this division. Of note were True Novice/Open competitors Alexis Schumacher and Kirsten Pereira, very much the Fitness Model look. They'll
make great representatives for the sport as they progress in their competitive careers. Met them at Friday registration and it worked out for both to get in front of the
camera Sunday for outdoor shoots together and a gym shoot with Kirsten. Thank you 'West Coast Strength' for hosting us!
Moving on to Figure, it was another sweep for Ivana Jungic, but strong entries in Elizabeth Guthrie and the very muscular Stephanie Duncan, both starting as True Novices
here! Wellness saw last weekend's Overall runner-up win the Open Class in her home town, that's always great to see. A bright future in this sport!
Thanks again to promoters Dominic Current, RK Smith Productions and their crew for all their hospitality making this
show such a breeze to cover!
I'll have more on the show here as time permits as well as on our IG @david_twixpix. Official results and further information
can be found at Npcoregonopen.com.
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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