2007 NPC Oregon Ironman
Fitness & Figure Championships
(Jantzen Beach, Oregon - May 11, 2007)
This is a very limited report so I won't be too verbose. Wow! Pretty much says it all.
Figure and Fitness was condensed into one evening so lost track of some very impressive
competitors. A couple of things to do on what turned into a chilly and gloomy Saturday.
Skip to Sunday...considering it didn't clear up until midday, seems to
have worked out for the best :) Maybe will be in touch with some of the others in
the future. In a nutshell, names of note who could go far in the sport
with particularly impressive physiques included class winners Mendi Sakamoto, Jodi Beard and Renee Lirette.
Honorable mentions go to the rest of the 'Simply Outstanding' group as well!
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
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