2018 NPC Tanji Johnson Classic
Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini Championships
(Olympia, WA - June 30, 2018)
The 4th year for this event, around 100 athletes graced the stage in multiple categories...Open, Masters, Novice, Juniors and a HERO division honoring
those who've either served in the military or first responders. A nice mix of new and "seasoned" competitors, the future bodes well for the sport in
Western Washington. In Bikini, stunning Holly Kelley won both Novice and Open Overalls. Other notables to make their debut in the sport included
very photogenic Julia Bollwinkel, runner-up to Holly in both their classes. Danielle Rainwater continues to improve, 1st place in both her open and
novice classes...so only one Overall Comparison Round between Holly and Danielle was required at finals.
Ageless Donnie Whetstone brought a cheselled physique to the stage. Small classes in Bodybuilding, but good quality.
Figure was quite competitive in all divisions, but Amantha Wortman brought it here, very much the judges' and spectators' choices.
Thanks again to promoter and friend Tanji Johnson, whose devotion to the sport
continues beyond her competitive achievements!
I'll have more on the show here as time permits. Official results and further information
can be found at tjclassic.com.
And just one note, please DO NOT repost any of the photos on this page to
any public website, social media, etc. without permission. You're welcome
to link or share links to this page. Thanks!
(Please notify me of any placing or name spelling errors, thanks.)
(click for full size)
Trophy Time
Open Bikini Overall Award Comparison Round
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