1994 NPC Washington Ironman

This event always seems to turn up a surprise or two. In this case
it was the middleweight and overall winner Kathleen Banks (left)
and lightweight Irene Eddins (right). I took about 20 pictures 
of Kathleen after the show, one of which is on her
page, jumbo sized for your viewing pleasure.
Good thing too, because I don't recall her
entering any other contests since 
then. I'm a bit sketchy about names and
placings - I'll do my best, so if I screw
up feel free to rap my knuckles. Any
updates or corrections would be most
appreciated. The sections will go up in 
stages over the next little while as I 
get around to scanning more slides. 
We'll start right at the top.

Middleweight - Kathleen Banks

Middleweight - Denise Franklin

Lightweight - Irene Eddins

Other Lightweights, Middleweights plus
Heavyweight winner Shannen Bold
Novice Washington

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