Tonia Williams
1995 NW Championships - 3rd Place Lightweight

It's early June 2001, very
appropriate and timely
to do a feature on Tonia.
She'll be a whole lot bigger 
and better at the USA's
this July. There's a link on my
update page
with more information.
To make a long story
short, came across these photos 
last week quite by accident.
Tonia made the jump to National
level shows from her win at 
the 1998 NW (unfortunately I
skipped the trips to Portland
from '96 to '99). Along with
husband Jeremy, (he's the
one - well...some of him
in the couples  pictures
below) they're actively
involved in helping
officiating shows,
from tabulating to
judging at the recently
held 'Capital City' competition. She has her own website at

where you can follow her progress over the last few years.
Getting back to the '95 NW, was a real tough field featuring
future Emerald Cup winner Suzie Mack in the lightweights
and national level competitor Mah Ann Mendoza in

(click thumbnail to enlarge)

1997 Washington Ironman Naturally - 3rd Place

1997 featured Tonia as a 
fitness competitor but the
potential bodybuilding
structure was obviously

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