2000 Canadian National
Bodybuilding Championships

First a note about the photos. My preference for onstage
shooting is without a flash, tungsten film creating interesting
shadows and contrasts. A mixed blessing here, lighting was
a bit low and "warm" colored. You can see it on other photos
such as the ones at www.canadianbodybuilding.com. The good
part was there was very little glare and pictures are pretty even.
However had to shoot at slower speeds so a few blurrier shots
here and there - nothing major.

Main Menu
Junior Division - Kristina Goldring
Masters Division
Lightweight Division - Arlene Wiebe (see Masters Division)
Lightweight Division - Ellen Partnoy
Lightweight Division - Tanya Sheehan
Middleweight Division - Raejha Douziech
Middleweight Division - Shelly Yakimchuk
Middleweight Division - Carmen Unger
Heavyweight Division - Lucie Bergeron
Heavyweight Division - Helen Bouchard
Heavyweight Division - Jodi Michaels
Heavyweight Division - Louise St. Pierre
Heavyweight Division - Sheila Burgess
Guest Performer - Donna Logue

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